Sha (Joe) Zhu
BSc(Hon), PhD

I am a lead statistical programming analyst and lead software engineer at Roche. My daily job involves wide range of data analysis activities in pharmaceutical industry and developing software packages to support other data scientist at Roche.
Before joining Roche, I was a Senior Data Scientist at Sensyne Health. I also worked as a research associate at the Oxford Big Data Institute, at where my job mainly focused on malaria parasite genomes and statistical genomic researches using a lot of coalescent theory. On the side, I also worked as a research consultant at the BGI, at where I contributed and developed methods for data storage using DNA.
I love programming! Check out some of open source tools at this page.
Nov 1, 2021 | Roche NEST project lead engineer. |
May 1, 2021 | Roche Floodlight MS (multiple sclerosis digital biomarker) programme data analytic lead. |
Feb 1, 2021 | Roche TIRA (Tiragolumab) programme data analytic lead. |
Jun 28, 2020 | Join Roche SPA-DA. |
Feb 18, 2019 | Join Sensyne Health Translational medicine team. |